08 mars 2016

US Nationwide Tax Forum par l' IRS

nationwide tax forum information,irsDE LA VERITABLE FORMATION

pour comprendre la fiscalite de developpement economique des usa 


afin de diminuer le tax gap par de la vraie formation notamment sur le formidable outil de dévelppement économque et d'autofinancement pour les PME qu'est  l'IS  americian

Les Forums fiscaux Nationwide IRS vous proposent trois jours complets de séminaires avec les recommandations des experts IRS dans les domaines du droit fiscal, de la conformité et de l'éthique.

US Nationwide Tax Forum Information for 2016 cliquer


Les tribunes EFI sur l'IRS 

2016 IRS Nationwide Tax Forums will be  held in FIVE cities across the nation during July, August and September of 2016.

The Tax Forums offer three full days of seminars with the latest word from the IRS leadership and experts in the fields of tax law, compliance and ethics.

Attendees can earn up to 18 continuing professional education (CPE) credits, learn about the latest IRS e-Services products and schedule a visit to the Practitioner Case Resolution Room.

The forums also feature a two-day expo with representatives from the IRS, business, finance and tax software companies offering their products, services and expertise. 

Nationwide Tax Forums Website. 

IRS Nationwide Tax Forums 2016 Locations and Dates


Hyatt Regency Chicago

July 12 - 14


Hyatt New Orleans

July 26 - 28


Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center

August 23 - 25


Hyatt Regency Orlando

August 30 - September 1


Town & Country Resort and Convention Center




07:08 Publié dans Formation EFI | Tags : nationwide tax forum information, irs | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) |  Imprimer | |  Facebook | | | | |

11 janvier 2008

IRS and overseas taxpayers by S.Simonard

383c8dd4f8fe0591988f3f483974a12e.jpgNotre amie Stéphanie SIMONARD nous informe de la pratique d'assistance de l'IRS concernant les  overseas taxpayers.

The I.R.S. has announced plans to enhance assistance to overseas taxpayers. Simultaneously the I.R.S. plans to step up enforcement efforts. To do this it also plans to beef up its human and computer resources and to improve its procedures on audits.


We are aware that the I.R.S. is auditing some returns of U.S. citizens in France in this connection.


U.S. executives considering an overseas assignment, see this article:


U.S. congressman introduces bill to raise taxes on the wealthy

15:33 Publié dans USA et IRS | Tags : overseas taxpayers, irs | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) |  Imprimer | |  Facebook | | | | |

02 octobre 2007

Analysis of Tax shelters by D.L.Korb,C.C.IRS

d2a171ce834b795db2e6c41576bd406f.jpgShelters, Schemes, and Abusive Transactions: Why Today’s Thoughtful U.S. Tax Advisors Should Tell Their Clients to
“Just Say No”


Envoyer cette note à un ami

The paper analyses the tax shelter market and the U.S. legal, judicial and administrative response to this issue. 

This paper was originally presented by Donald L. Korb, Chief Counsel of the Internal Revenue Service, U.S. Department of the Treasury, at the University of Cambridge . It was revised and updated in connection with the Symposium on Tax and Corporate Governance, held in Munich on December 8-9, 2006, and co-organized by the International Network for Tax Research (INTR), the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law and the German IFA branch.

05:20 Publié dans USA et IRS | Tags : tax shelter, intr, fraude fiscale, korb, irs, paradis fiscaux, abus de droit | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) |  Imprimer | |  Facebook | | | | |