07 janvier 2011

U.S. Taxation of Foreign Investors

   french_version.gif                                                                 U.S. Taxation of Foreign Investors 


Nationwide Tax Forum par l' IRS


 Les tribunes EFI sur l'IRS



The following narrative outline is intended to provide the foreign investor, both corporate and individual, with a basic introduction to the tax laws of the United States as they apply to that foreign investor. 



Download entire outline in (.pdf) format in these languages:

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By Richard S. Lehman Esq. 

1. U.S. Taxation of Foreign Corporations And Nonresident Aliens General Rules

2. Tax Planning Before Immigrating to the U.S.

3. Tax Planning for the Foreign Real Estate Investor

Système d’Imposition des Investisseurs Etrangers aux Etats-Unis
Table des Matières

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