15 décembre 2016
La fin de l anonymat pour les LLC ??? (USBOFIP du 13.12.16)
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La fin de l anonymat pour les" Foreign-owned domestic disregarded entities" ???
Nous pouvons tous remercier notre ami Peter Esteven qui nous a informé de la publication ce matin du US BOFIP supprimant l’anonymat pour des « Foreign-owned domestic disrega rded entities « contrôlées de l’étranger et n'ayant aucune activité commerciale aux USA ie notamment les LLC
Le US BOFIP du 13 décembre 2016
L’administration fiscale américaine a publié le 13 décembre 2016 une instruction pour supprimer l’anonymat de certaines « entities » –type LLC -possédées par des étrangers mais cette instruction est fondée sur une modification d’une loi –the Bank Secrecy Act – dont le vote serait très loin d’être assuré. Par ailleurs notre ami John Doe nous a précisé qu’un contentieux en annulation allait bientôt être déposé
Amending the Bank Secrecy Act to Require Reporting and Recordkeeping
on Beneficial Ownership of Legal Entities
On May 5, 2016, the United States Treasury (“Treasury”) issued proposed regulations containing new reporting rules for foreign-owned disregarded entities.
Secretary’s letter to Congress cliquez .
the proposed beneficial ownership legislation cliquez
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The proposed regulations would treat a domestic disregarded entity wholly owned by a foreign person as a domestic corporation separate from its owner for the limited purposes of the reporting, record maintenance and associated compliance requirements that apply to 25 percent foreign-owned domestic corporations.
Internal Revenue Bulletin: 2016-21 May 23, 2016 REG–127199–15
Foreign-owned domestic disregarded entities represent a narrow class of foreign-owned U.S. entities that have generally had no obligation to report information to the IRS or to get a tax identification number, and thus can be used to shield the foreign owners of non-U.S. assets or non-U.S. bank accounts.
A disregarded entity (“DRE”) is generally not subject to separate income or information return filing requirements. Its owner is treated as owning directly the entity’s assets and liabilities, and the information available with respect to the DRE depends on the owner’s own return filings, if any are required. For a DRE that is formed in the United States and wholly owned by a foreign corporation, foreign partnership, or nonresident alien individual, generally no U.S. income or information return must be filed if neither the DRE nor its owner received any U.S. source income or was engaged in a U.S. trade or business during the taxable year.
According to a Treasury press release, the proposed rules will “strengthen the IRS’s ability to prevent the use of these entities for tax avoidance purposes, and will build on the success of other efforts to curb the use of foreign entities and accounts to evade U.S. tax.”
Il y a une trentaine d’années un ouvrage faisait fureur le piège suisse d’ E CHAMBOST
Aujourd hui je vous conseille de lire la position de Raphael COHEN sur
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