01 mars 2008


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Due to budgetary constraints, the Economic Indicators service (http://www.economicindicators.gov) will be discontinued effective March 1, 2008.

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Economic Indicators.gov is brought to you by the Economics and Statistics Administration at the U.S. Department of Commerce. Our mission is to provide timely access to the daily releases of key economic indicators from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the U.S. Census Bureau.

You may link to the most recent release by clicking on the report name in the table below. You may also subscribe to our *free Subscription Service to have these files emailed or faxed directly to you as soon as they are released.

Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services |  Advance Report on Durable Goods |  Construction Put in Place |  Corporate Profits |  Current Account Balance (International Transactions) |  Gross Domestic Product |  Housing Vacancies and Homeownership |  Manufacturer's Shipments, Inventories, and Orders |  Manufacturing and Trade: Inventories and Orders |  Manufacturing and Trade: Inventories and Sales |  Monthly Wholesale Trade |  New Residential Construction |  New Residential Sales |  Personal Income and Outlays |  Quarterly Financial Report |  Quarterly Services |  Retail E-Commerce Sales |  U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services |  U.S. International Transactions | 
Indicator Source Frequency Hour Date
Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services Census Bureau Monthly 8:30 AM Calendar
Advance Report on Durable Goods Census Bureau Monthly 8:30 AM Calendar
Construction Put in Place Census Bureau Monthly 10:00 AM Calendar
Gross Domestic Product Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Quarterly Data, Revised Monthly 8:30 AM Calendar
Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders Census Bureau Monthly 10:00 AM Calendar
Manufacturing and Trade: Inventories and Sales Census Bureau Monthly 8:30 AM Calendar
Monthly Wholesale Trade Census Bureau Monthly 10:00 AM Calendar
New Residential Construction Census Bureau Monthly 8:30 AM Calendar
New Residential Sales Census Bureau Monthly 10:00 AM Calendar
Personal Income and Outlays Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Monthly 8:30 AM Calendar
Quarterly Financial Report Census Bureau Quarterly 10:00 AM Calendar
Quarterly Services Census Bureau Quarterly 10:00 AM Calendar
Retail E-Commerce Sales Census Bureau Quarterly 10:00 AM Calendar
U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services Census Bureau & Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Monthly 8:30 AM Calendar
U.S. International Transactions Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Quarterly 8:30 A.M Calendar

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