10 mars 2015

HSBC devant le parlement britannique

HSBC.jpgCette tribune a pour unique objectif de nous faire comprendre le niveau de liberté des parlementaires britanniques dans la recherche d’informations sur des pratiques de leur plus important établissement bancaire 

The Public Accounts Committee has decided to call the following witnesses to give further evidence to this subject.

·                                 Parliament TV: Tax avoidance and evasion: HSBC session

·                                 Inquiry: Wrap-up report on tax

·                                 Public Accounts Committee



Monday 9 March 2015, Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House

At 3.15pm

·                                 Stuart Gulliver, Chief Executive, HSBC Holdings plc

·                                 Chris Meares, former Group General Manager and CEO, HSBC Global Private Banking

·                                 Rona Fairhead, Independent non-executive Director, HSBC

At 4.15pm

·                                 Edward Troup, Second Permanent Secretary and Tax Assurance Commissioner, HM Revenue and Customs

The Committee previously took evidence from HMRC on this subject on 11 February 2015. The transcript is available here: Wrap-up report on tax

Further information

·                                 About Parliament: Select Committees

·                                 Visit Parliament: Watch committees



16:07 Publié dans a secrets professionnels, aa)DEONTOLOGIE, Royaume Uni | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) |  Imprimer | |  Facebook | | | | |

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