16 août 2012
le monitoire fiscal de l'ancien régime est il de retour?
HM Revenue & Customs Top tax cheats put in the frame
Photographs of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) Most Wanted tax fugitives are today being published for the first time online.
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) publie la liste des fraudeurs fiscaux
Le fisc britannique lance une chasse aux plus grands fraudeurs
Les Echos cliquer
Vers la résurrection du monitoire de l’ordonnance de Colbert ???
Par qui donc ces « types » sont ils sélectionnés :cliquer)
leurs seuls profilages ou autres critères
Nous sommes ROYAUME UNI , sans commentaire
HMRC’s Top 20 Most Wanted can be seen here
To help in the effort to hunt down the United Kingdom’s biggest tax fraudsters, HMRC will place photographs of its Most Wanted on its flickr channel and ask members of the public to assist in finding them.
The Most Wanted are tax criminals who have absconded after being charged with a crime or during trial. HMRC has worked with Crimestoppers to gather information from the public that may help capture these criminals and others like them, but this is the first time that HMRC has published photographs and details of tax dodgers’ crimes
David Gauke, the Exchequer Secretary, said:
“The Government is absolutely committed to tackling tax evasion and fraud. These criminals have collectively cost the taxpayer over £765m and HMRC will pursue them relentlessly. We hope that publishing their pictures in this way will enable members of the public to contribute to the effort to catch them.”
Tax evasion and fraud cost the taxpayer around £10bn. The Government is committed to cracking down on those who try to dodge their responsibility to pay tax and has invested over £900m in HMRC in order to raise an additional £7bn each year in tax revenue.
HMRC’s Top 20 Most Wanted can be seen here www.flickr.com/hmrcgovuk
People can report leads on the Most Wanted fugitives via HMRC’s Customs, Excise and VAT fraud reporting hotline on 0800 595 000 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0800 595 000end_of_the_skype_highlighting, by email or post here, or through the Crimestoppers website
19:57 Publié dans aa TRUST ; REGIME FISCAL ET JURIDIQUE, Royaume Uni | Lien permanent | Commentaires (1) | Imprimer | | Facebook | | |
Les plus grands fraudeurs du royaume uni seraient donc les trafiquants de cigarettes. Au regard du prix prohibitif du paquet outre manche, cela illustre le fait qu'au delà d'un certain % les taxes aboutissent à doper le marché noir.
Ensuite, venant d'une place financière réputée pour être la plus opaque du monde, je trouve cela pour le moins "cocasse".
Écrit par : fiscos | 29 décembre 2015
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