23 mars 2017
Lanceurs d'alerte de l'UE - pratiques anticoncurrentielles - Anonymous Whistleblower Tool
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lettre EFI du 27 MARS 2017 (1).pdf
La Commission européenne a mis en ligne une plateforme pour l'équivalent des lanceurs d'alerte au niveau européen, en matière de pratiques anticoncurrentielles :
Le français n’étant qu’une langue régionale, nos eurocrates n’ont diffusé le texte que dans la langue du brexit
You as an individual can help in the fight against cartels and other anti-competitive practices, such as agreeing on prices or procurement bids, keeping products off the market or unfairly excluding rivals. These practices cause immense damage to Europe's economy. They can deny customers access to a wider choice of goods and services at reasonable prices, stifle innovation and put companies out of business.
Inside knowledge and assistance can be a powerful tool to help the European Commission uncover cartels and other anti-competitive practices more swiftly than might otherwise be possible, and can contribute to the success of our investigations.
If you are aware of business practices that you think are wrong, you can help us to put things right by voluntarily providing us with information. This information can be facts concerning anti-competitive conduct, its circumstances and the individuals involved, for example, that are not publicly known but are known to you. They can concern past, ongoing or planned anti-competitive behaviour.
20:51 Publié dans declaration de soupcon, Du Recouvrement et sursis | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Imprimer | | Facebook | | |
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